From Classrooms to Careers

Jonathan Bamgbade has always had a natural curiosity about anything STEM related. He often participated in after school programs that ranged from designing, building and launching a rocket to designing, building and revealing a robot. At a young age, Jonathan noticed that when he combined his drive to understand how things worked with his commitment to the learning process, he found the tangible outcome of his labor fulfilling.

“It made me feel like I could do anything if I just learn about it deep enough,” explains Jonathan, one of the 2019 recipients of the FMA Foundation’s Kenneth O. McCreedy Scholarship.

When Jonathan began 9th grade at Meade Senior High School, a STEM class titled Principles of Engineering was heavily promoted. When his teachers and guidance counselor noticed his curiosity and learned of his growing interest, Jonathan was encouraged to take this class.

“I knew since that 9th grade class that I wanted to work in the STEM field,” Jonathan shares.

By the beginning of his senior year, Jonathan realized that his true passion is computer science and began researching careers that require the study of software design and development, theory and the application of software systems. It wasn’t long until he was confronted with his next obstacle.

“School is expensive,” Jonathan exclaims, “so I needed all the help I could get.”

Jonathan leaned heavily on the proven support of his teachers and guidance counselor, all whom he says were instrumental in knowing when, how and where to apply for scholarships. In April 2019, his plans to attend Georgia Tech were being arranged while he was awaiting to hear from the FMA Foundation about his scholarship application. Much to his relief, he learned in May he was, indeed, awarded this much needed opportunity.

“It was rewarding to be recognized and honored after all my pursuits…to be rewarded for something I really enjoy, STEM and computer science,” Jonathan shares. “It was really cool.”

Jonathan is not only grateful for the financial support, but also appreciates that the FMA and FMA Foundation understands the importance of STEM-related topics in the world today. From cybertechnology and solar energy advancements to refrigerators and automobiles that talk to us, investing in the potential of the next generation is imperative.

“All of these things require very smart people who do very hard jobs to make things work,” Jonathan says, “…STEM is very important because I think the world revolves around STEM.”

After finishing his freshman year with a 4.0 GPA, Jonathan is currently in his sophomore year studying computer science. He hopes to begin his career in the software development industry where he can be part of a team to brainstorm, research and build projects from the ground up while learning life skills such as team building and collaborative problem solving.

At the FMA and FMA Foundation, we take our mission seriously. We believe part of our mission includes helping our partners in industry, government, education and the community overcome challenges so that together we can strengthen the future workforce in STEM related fields. Join the FMA Foundation as we help those who are finding their way from their classrooms to their careers.