In support of the efforts of the Fort Meade Alliance, the Fort Meade Alliance Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, manages charitable initiatives designed to support the Fort Meade installation, military personnel and their families, civilians and the broader Fort Meade Community.
Military and Family
The FMA Foundation is raising funds to support programming and initiatives to support the health, wellness and resiliency of the service personnel and their families on Fort Meade.
A key priority for the Fort Meade Alliance and the Fort Meade Alliance Foundation is the creation of the Education and Resiliency Center on Fort George G. Meade. Historic Kuhn Hall, centrally located on the installation, will be renovated as the new Education and Resiliency Center to service as a place to come together to find resources, services and programs to strengthen the Fort Meade community.
Education and Workforce
The FMA Foundation is committed to providing resources to enhance STEM opportunities and solve workforce development pipeline challenges in our region.
The Foundation’s efforts also target the advancement of science, technology, engineering, math, language and information technology among our region’s youth. We have created education-oriented programs, initiatives and scholarships for deserving high school and college students planning to pursue related studies and careers.

The FMA Foundation is able to fulfill its mission only through the generous donations of individuals and corporations. We’d like to especially thank the following Corporate Supporters for their commitment to caring for the military and their families, as well as helping us to respond to education and workforce development challenges in the Fort Meade region.