It took 11 years of planning, a $5.1 million fundraising campaign, meticulous processing of an 800-item requirements list and extensive collaboration with six garrison commanders, numerous on-post agencies and innumerable community members to transform Fort George G. Meade’s historic Kuhn Hall into a modern Education and Resiliency Center.
It all began in 2011 with exploratory discussions amongst FMA, FMA Foundation and Fort George G. Meade leadership.
Resiliency program inventorying culminates in publication of the Fort Meade Resiliency Map.

Kuhn Hall selected as site for Resiliency Center.
Initial Letter of Intent submitted to Fort Meade by the FMAF.

FMA Foundation invests in a feasibility study on the funding potential for the project.

Original building concept design presented to Fort Meade.

Military District of Washington converts Kuhn Hall from a Distinguished Visitors Quarter to an Education and Resiliency Facility.

FMA Foundation formally submits gift proffer to Fort Meade Garrison valued at $3.6 million.

Department of the Army changes Antiterrorism Force Protection (ATFP) code requirements.
Updated proffer submitted to FGGM clarifying funding sources and ATFP requirements.

Secretary of the Army McCarthy formally accepts gift and proffer is read into the official congressional record.
Virtual Wall Breaking Ceremony takes place.

In response to COVID-19 delays and subsequent cost increase, new project budget is established at $5.1 million.
Final proffer submitted to FGGM.
Demolition and construction begins.

The Big Year
March 21

The first round of seven physical Resiliency Services kiosks officially installed and operating.
September 23

Ownership of the newly renovated building was officially returned to the installation through a key ceremony that passed through the ranks of the leadership team.
November 17

The highly anticipated Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of the Education and Resiliency Center at Kuhn Hall ended an 11-year journey of perseverance and earmarked a new season of help and healing.