October 14, 2020 – Momentum for the new Education and Resiliency Center at Kuhn Hall kicked into high gear after the U.S. Secretary of the Army officially accepted the gift proffer in early summer giving the FMA Foundation approval to begin construction. The start of this phase began with the official (virtual) wall breaking ceremony on July 15.
The final design for the 9,000-square-foot historic building is currently underway. Demolition is expected to begin in December. Once the design is complete, the Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., the general contractor for the project, will seek bids for subcontractors, materials and supplies. Contracts are expected to be awarded by the end of the year.
In the meantime, members of the FMA Military & Family Committee have been working hard to refine the Education and Resiliency kiosk that will help connect users to essential services and resources on and around Fort Meade.
CACI employees volunteered their time to code the kiosk, including a web-based version that can be accessed remotely. After a full review of the site by committee members and feedback from two focus groups, edits are currently underway to ensure ease of use and accuracy of information.
The CACI team also recently introduced a mobile version of the kiosk, which will be tested by users at an upcoming flu vaccine drive on Fort Meade. With continual improvements in mind, the committee has developed a three-minute survey that allows users to share their feedback.